Contrary to traditional Pakistani schools where students are prompted to memorize and reproduce work done for them by others, Fairfield discourages rote-learning and focuses on whole-brain activity as the true basis for learning. The administration has taken due care to select child-friendly and level-specific learning materials to ensure that classroom teaching develops required concepts and skills in students at all levels. This promotes creativity and imagination in students without putting them under strain and makes them highly competitive. Students are responsible for lesson explanation, assignments, and activities conducted in class. In case of absenteeism, students are required to make up missed work.
Fairfield follows a well-structured homework policy, which is set for all classes by the administration, and not left to the discretion of individual teachers. Students are engaged in various forms of homework, like completion homework, practice homework, preparation homework, and extension/project work. Moderate homework has always been considered beneficial for promoting independent study skills in students.
The school believes in rigorous follow-up on individual student progress. A weekly follow-up letter is sent to parents and guardians so that they can make the child revise the lessons/items covered during the week. Four Progress Reports are issued during a session, each followed by a Parent-Teacher meeting where parents, teachers, and administration interact on the child’s periodic progress.
The school welcomes parental contact regarding child’s progress as and when necessary. The Student Diary has a Parent-Teacher dialogue box for regular communication between parents and teachers. ‘Letters to Parents’ cover a wide range of student affairs—academic issues, disciplinary matters, fee reminders, etc. We believe that parental involvement becomes necessary when a student neglects his/her responsibilities. When there is a need, parents are called in to the school. Alternatively, parents who want to be updated about their children may call the school for an appointment. A drop box at the school entrance is also used for notes by students and parents in order to convey their complaints and suggestions to the school administration. Special academic support may be requested by parents of students who are academically below the required standard during summer vacation.
Continuous Assessment forms a major part of our evaluation and promotion scheme. The school year is divided into two terms—with a midterm test in each term. Each term carries 50 % of the total marks in each subject. Marks from the two terms are added together to work out a child’s final grade. If a child fails to obtain at least 50% marks in a particular subject, his/her performance is reckoned as unsatisfactory demanding remedial lessons in that subject prior to the beginning of the new academic year. A Progress Report is issued on each pupil’s performance during Midterm Tests and Term Examinations. A Parent-Teacher meeting following test and examination reports provides parents an opportunity to discuss their children’s performance with the teachers and school administration. If a parent is unable to attend the Parent-Teacher meeting for an unavoidable reason, a meeting between him/her and the child's teacher(s) can be arranged later by appointment.
The academic session begins in April and ends in March. Academic year spans over approximately 40 teaching and assessment weeks. It is divided into two terms, followed by Term Examinations at the end of each term. There are two Quiz Tests and a Midterm Test in each term, followed by Progress Reports and Parent-Teacher meetings. The Annual Progress Report takes into account a pupil's performance in all quizzes, midterm tests and term exams done during the year.